
Conference ended!


Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) was established in Rampur, Chitwan in 2010 and it is the first technical university in the country. This University evolved with a merger of Rampur Campus, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) and Forestry Campus, Hetauda of the Institute of Forestry of TU. It offers different programs in agriculture and forestry from Bachelor’s to PhD degree. AFU has more than 5000 students, 8 constituent campuses, 8 affiliated campus and 771 faculties and staff.

It is uncontested that higher technical education prepares skilled human resources required for overall development for making our country, Nepal prosperous and our people happy. Nepalese society needs technical human resources and creative thinkers for understanding the changing social, political, cultural and economic sectors in better ways. In particular, younger people need to play a dynamic and creative role in sharing their ideas and findings with their peers and other groups within society. Graduates from Nepalese universities must engage among each other and approach to wider society for promoting the economic development, social welfare and environmental stewardship of the country. Graduates (mainly M. Sc. and PhD) from Agriculture and Forestry University as well as other universities related to agriculture, livestock science, veterinary sciences, fisheries as well as forestry will participate in the conference as a oral presenter or poster presenter as well as observer.


To establish an interdisciplinary knowledge-sharing platform for young researchers, with a particular focus on the agriculture, livestock science, veterinary science, fisheries and forestry.

Justification and Relevancy of the Conference

Addressing Economic Challenges: Nepal faces various economic challenges, including high unemployment rates, poverty, and limited opportunities for sustainable economic growth. This graduate national conference directly addresses these challenges by focusing on harnessing the potential of key productive sectors to stimulate economic development, create employment opportunities, and alleviate poverty.

Maximizing Resource Utilization: Nepal possesses abundant resources in the form of natural landscapes, agricultural land, skilled workforce, and a growing ICT sector. However, there is a need to effectively utilize and maximize the potential of these resources. The graduate national conference aims to explore strategies and policies that can unlock the economic potential within industry, agriculture, tourism, and ICT sectors, thereby maximizing resource utilization and driving economic growth.

Sustainable Development: The conference emphasizes the importance of sustainable development practices across the productive agricultural sectors. By promoting sustainable practices in agri-based industries, agriculture, tourism, and ICT, we can ensure long-term environmental, social, and economic benefits. This approach aligns with global sustainability goals and contributes to the overall well-being of Nepal's communities and ecosystems. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: The graduate conference provides a platform for university graduates, faculties, experts, scholars, policymakers, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices for agricultural transformation in Nepal. By bringing together diverse perspectives, the event encourages collaboration and facilitates the development of innovative solutions. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of shared responsibility and enhances the effectiveness for sustainable agricultural transformation knowledge sharing in AFU.

Policy Formulation and Implementation: The discussions and knowledge exchange during the conference will contribute to evidence-based policy recommendations for agricultural transformation. These recommendations can guide University (AFU), policymakers in formulating and implementing strategies that effectively harness the economic potential of productive sectors mainly agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry. By aligning policies with the identified sectors' needs and opportunities, the conference aims to enhance the impact of government initiatives and interventions.

Sector-Specific Focus: The conference focuses on four key productive sectors— agri-industry, agriculture, tourism, and ICT—that have significant potential for sustainable economic growth in Nepal. By examining these sectors in-depth, the conference enables a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and best practices specific to each sector. This sector-specific approach ensures targeted and effective strategies for driving economic growth through agricultural transformation.

Employment Creation: The conference recognizes the critical role of employment creation of university graduates in Nepal's economic development. By maximizing the potential of productive sectors, the event aims to generate employment opportunities across agro-industrial, agricultural value chains, tourism enterprises, and digital platforms. This focus on job creation directly contributes to poverty reduction, socio-economic empowerment, and inclusive growth.

National Development Priorities: The conference aligns with Nepal's national development priorities, as outlined in various policy frameworks. By addressing key sectors that are integral to the country's development agenda, the event reinforces the government's efforts to achieve sustainable economic growth, reduce poverty, and enhance the well-being of Nepali citizens. In conclusion, the proposed 1st Graduate National Conference on "Agricultural Transformation through Education and Research" is justified and relevant due to its direct focus on addressing economic challenges, maximizing resource utilization, promoting sustainable development, facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration, informing policy formulation and implementation, sector-specific approach, employment creation, and alignment with national development priorities. By organizing this graduate conference, we can collectively work towards unlocking the economic potential of productive sectors, driving sustainable economic growth, and fostering overall sustainable development through agricultural transformation in Nepal.

Methodology for Conducting the Program

The graduate national conference on "Agricultural Transformation through Education and Research" will employ a comprehensive methodology to ensure the effective organization and execution of the program. The following methodology will be followed:

Planning and Preparation:

  • Form a dedicated organizing committee comprising faculties, professors, experts, researchers, and representatives from relevant sectors.
  • Define the graduate national conference objectives, key topics, and desired outcomes.
  • Develop a detailed program agenda, including session formats, speakers, and panelists.
  • Identify potential stakeholders and invite participants from academia, government agencies, industry associations, NGOs, and international organizations.
  • Secure a suitable venue in AFU and make necessary logistical arrangements.

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Conduct preliminary consultations with key stakeholders to understand their perspectives and identify their specific contributions to the conference.
  • Maintain ongoing communication with stakeholders through email, meetings, and updates on the national conference's progress.
  • Encourage graduates and other stakeholders’ participation in shaping the program and ensuring their active involvement during the symposium.

Knowledge Generation:

  • Conduct an extensive review of existing research, reports, and case studies related to the conference's key topics.
  • Collaborate with academic institutions and research organizations to commission studies and research papers that provide insights into Nepal's productive sectors and potential strategies for agricultural transformation.
  • Encourage participants to submit research abstracts and papers for presentation during the conference.
  • Publish in the upcoming special issue on theme of “Agricultural Transformation for Sustainable Development “in 7 th Volume of the Journal of Agriculture and Forestry University (JAFU) (ISSN:).

Session Formats:

  • Incorporate a variety of session formats, such as keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and poster presentations, to ensure engagement and knowledge sharing.
  • Allocate sufficient time for Q&A sessions and open discussions to encourage active participation from attendees.
  • Organize parallel sessions that focus on specific subtopics within the key themes to facilitate in-depth discussions.

Expert Presentations and Panel Discussions:

  • Invite subject matter experts, scholars, and agri-industry leaders to deliver keynote speeches and presentations on relevant topics.
  • Formulate panels comprising graduates and experts from diverse backgrounds and sectors to provide a range of perspectives on the key themes.
  • Facilitate interactive panel discussions moderated by knowledgeable individuals who can guide and stimulate insightful conversations.

Collaborative Workshops and Group Activities:

  • Organize workshops and group activities to encourage collaboration, idea generation, and the formulation of actionable solutions.
  • Divide participants into smaller groups to foster interaction, brainstorming, and the development of practical strategies for driving economic growth.
  • Provide participants with the opportunity to present their group findings and recommendations during dedicated sessions.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities:

  • Designate dedicated networking breaks and social events to foster interactions, knowledge exchange, and partnership building among participants.
  • Facilitate the establishment of a graduate national conference website or online platform where participants can connect, share resources, and continue discussions post-event.
  • Encourage the formation of working groups or task forces comprising interested participants to follow up on identified priorities and collaborate on specific projects.

Documentation and Reporting:

  • Assign a team responsible for documenting the conference proceedings, capturing key insights, and preparing a comprehensive report summarizing the discussions, recommendations, and identified action points.
  • Disseminate the report widely among stakeholders, government agencies, and the wider public to ensure the symposium's findings reach relevant audiences and inform policy decisions.
  • Publish specific issues JAFU Volume 7 on “Agricultural Transformation for Sustainable Development”.

Evaluation and Feedback:

  • Conduct participant surveys and feedback sessions to assess the conference's effectiveness, relevance, and impact.
  • Utilize the feedback received to improve future iterations of the conference and make necessary adjustments to enhance its outcomes.

By following this methodology, the conference will provide a platform for robust discussions, knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the formulation of actionable strategies to harness the economic potential of Nepal's productive sectors and drive sustainable economic growth through agricultural transformation.


  • An advisory committee will guide the conference.
  • An organizing committee will support the organizing scientific sub-committee to fulfill management tasks and develop content for the conference.
  • The organizing committee, IT support/Media committee and management sub- committee supported by the organizing committee and associates will organize logistics and management.
  • AFU faculties and staff will manage the conference event in a participatory manner
  • Overall conference event and program will lead by the Directorate of Research and Extension (DOREX), AFU, Rampur in collaboration of center office and dean offices.